ICL manufactures products on four continents and markets them to thousands of customers in more than 180 countries, meeting the evolving needs of millions of people around the globe. To accomplish this, the company uses various natural resources such as raw materials, energy, and water. ICL is committed to be a skilled, responsible company that strives to minimize the environmental impact of its operations.
A clear commitment to be in the top-tier of safety performance and environmental responsibility
As a chemical and mining company, ICL is aware of the potential impact of its operations and products. Environmental, safety, health and security performance are at the core of ICL efforts. Thus, the company invests in environmental protection, preventing pollution and increasing the efficiency of its production facilities. As part of its sustainability vision for 2030, ICL has set up both short and long-term goals for its environmental performance.
Significant efforts and resources are invested in order to comply with all environmental rules and regulations, as well as proactive health and safety initiatives.
Mission Statement: ICL is committed to eliminating EHS&S incidents and complying with all regulatory requirements, by taking a proactive approach that empowers employees to identify at-risk conditions and behaviors and learn from them to minimize risk.
Incidents: During February 2019, exceptionally strong rainfall occurrences took place, among other places at ICL Rotem’s Zin site. The heavy rains raised the level of liquids in the mining sludge pond (pond 11) – liquids composed of water and containing trace phosphate, a by-product of the separation process at the site (it should be emphasized that the liquid is a non-hazardous material). The water level increased and caused an excess load of free-running water on the pond’s dikes, and approximately 200 cubic meters of the liquid permeated through the dikes and spilled into the surrounding mining pits (within the site’s operational area). It should be emphasized that the dikes were not breached during the incident. In light of the insubstantial quantity and non-hazardousness of the material, the Company considers this incident as one of very low harm. However, the Southern District of the Ministry of Environmental Protection recommended an inquiry of the matter. Following the incident (albeit very rare, due to the exceptional rainfall), a decision was made to modify the water pumping regime in the pond in such a way as to prevent a similar liquid load on the dikes in case of similar exceptional rainfall. In addition, a rainfall meter has been installed, to alert managers of exceptional rainfall occurrences, and the plant ensured the constant availability of two pumps to quickly evacuate the pond in case of exceptional rainfall occurrences. Even prior to this incident, the Company had been conducting stability surveys and adjusting the incline and compaction in all similar ponds it maintains.
In addition, in June 2019, two incidents occurred during the transportation of hazardous materials (HBr – hydrobromic acid) within trucks operated by ICL Mifaley Tovala trucks in southern Israel. Read full details in this report page (Transportation Incidents bracket).
Fines: In May 2019, ICL China LYG (Lian Yun Gang) received a fine of 36,000 RMB (=~5,200 USD) for emission of waste gas from the site's sewage station and hazardous waste storage area. The site has implemented corrective actions, which included the installation of waste gas collection equipment for both these site areas.
In addition, in September 2019, ICL Iberia Suria paid a minor fine of 500 € (=~560 USD) for exceeding wastewater discharge permit limit values for suspended matter on one specific occasion. The site has since implemented corrective actions, which include a monthly clean-up procedure of its settlement ponds, to minimize the suspended matter in the ponds output and significantly reduce risk of recurring violation.
As part of the ICL EHS&S policy, the company engages in initiatives aimed at reducing its environmental impact. The efforts are taken in multiple dimensions, such as the responsible use of natural resources, energy efficiency, reducing air pollution and wastes, and the responsible use and ‘end of life’ of our products. The company also acts to promote an ongoing, honest dialogue with our stakeholders.
Some of ICL’s products are potentially harmful to the environment and the health and safety of the public as a result of the effluents, air emissions and waste that are generated during their production, as well as at other stages of the products’ life cycle.
Environmental, safety, health and security performance are at the core of ICL values
ICL’s environmental guidelines take a proactive approach, characterized by the voluntary adoption of advanced international environmental management principles and programs, e.g. participation in the Responsible Care program administered by the International Council for Chemicals Association (ICCA) and founded on principles of
Product Stewardship. ICL incorporates the ‘precautionary principle’ in its operations and in its development and sales of the company products.
93% of ICL’s global production sites are certified as ISO 14001 or an equivalent standard for environmental management systems.
15 major energy-consuming ICL sites have implemented ISO 50001 for energy management. These form 35% of all global production sites. In addition, ICL has also implemented internal standards and management systems concerning environmental responsibility and performance.
ICL’s direct impact is from its operations. The reported performance data includes all production sites with operational control. Information regarding biodiversity and mining is relevant only to five of ICL’s sites. In addition, ICL’s products have the potential for both positive and negative impact, if not used correctly. Read more on ICL’s products and solutions. This management approach is relevant to all material environmental topics. In case there is more relevant information, specific to a given material topic, additional details can be found in that topic section within this report.
ICL’s need for a sustainability reporting system arose over the past several years, due to a growing expectation by ICL’s stakeholders that the company commits to periodically and systemically report on numerous sustainability issues. These reports include both regulatory reports (such as PRTR) and voluntary reports (such as the Company’s annual corporate responsibility report, CDP, ‘Maala’, Responsible Care and others). On top of these, there are regular internal reports for tracking environmental and safety performance. These reports require the continuous collection of thousands of data points from all ICL’s facilities - including data related to energy and water consumption, air and waste emissions, environmental and safety incidents, and other aspects. To do so efficiently, ICL has implemented a globally leading sustainability reporting cloud-based system called “SoFi”, as a central tool for sustainability data collection and reporting. The system has been implemented in all 42 ICL Production sites, and in some major ICL logistic companies and offices worldwide.